Anthony Laskaris started racing on the Velodrome in Northbrook, IL over 25 years ago, when Track Cycling was immensely popular due to the success of the National Team in the early to mid 1980’s. “It was fantastic back in those days, when we’d get between 200 and 300 spectators banging on the boards for midweek racing!”
And speaking of boards, he promptly came up with a great idea, which will help erect boards around the perimeter of the Track.
For $50.00, you can become a “Board Member” (play on words,) and have your very own 8-foot board erected on the Track. The $50.00 fee is a one-time fee which will cover all material costs, and labor, AND, you will get your very own small signature plaque saying: “This Board donated by_______.”
This program is open to individuals and not corporate sponsors, and is a great way for you to become part of the Velodrome and help us fund the boards around the Track. All the boards will be painted white to give a uniform presentation, and allow us to hang sponsors banners on them.
Anthony has already erected the first 4 boards, and the first 4 Board Members are:
Anthony Laskaris
Jeff Palter
Kurt Begemann
Jeanne Hurtz
Below is a picture of Anthony knocking out the first few boards this spring.
For more information on how to become a part of this very helpful program, please contact: